General Assembly Sixth Committee

Azza Omar, President

Rana Wessam, Chair

The ways in which we become aware of and receive information about the outside world, mainly through the senses, are together called perception. Perception is what divides us into different nations with different policies. The UN member states have worked for a long time to try and unite these different perceptions for one better future. This year, In GA6, I, alongside my esteemed chair Rana Wessam have chosen topics that reflect the theme of perception. 

Since GA6 looks at the legal aspect of things, we have chosen three topics that we believe require setting a solid legal framework.

The first topic is “ Discussing legal methods to redistribute displaced historical artifacts.” There has been a strong debate on whether displaced artifacts should stay where they are or go back to their original country. Our second topic is “Establishing laws for transboundary bodies of water.” Throughout the years, there have been many disputes between countries with shared waters. Finally, our third topic is “Considering legal methods to protect and preserve indigenous peoples.” Indigenous people have struggled for a long time to live a normal life that complies with their culture and beliefs.

Rana and I are beyond honored to be chairing GA6 in HIAMUN ‘24, and we look forward to meeting all of you and witnessing strong and heated debates.

Azza Omar, President of the General Assembly Sixth Committee


1. Discussing legal methods to redistribute displaced historical artifacts.

2. Establishing laws for transboundary bodies of water.

3. Considering legal methods to protect and preserve indigenous peoples.