“The way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted” is how Oxford Languages defines Perceptions.
A strong word viewed in multiple ways, extremely relevant to the daily issues faced and resolved by the UN. This is the HIAMUN’24 theme for an unforgettable conference. We gained insights into the process behind making the choice of the theme by talking to the executive team of HIAMUN '24, including the Secretary-General, Abdulrahman El Dib, and his fellow Deputies Secretary-General Alaa Hussein and Jannah Tarek.
The Academic and Organizing Committee members voted amongst several themes; however, 'Perceptions' was the one that stood out the most. There are multiple ways this word can be seen. As Tarek explains, Perception is all around us. "Perception of life, perception of the conference, perception of world issues. We can integrate into different aspects of MUN and our lives," she said.
Our SG, El Dib, felt strongly about this theme and believes it is an outstanding way to build a solid and effective resolution for all countries involved. El Dib further clarifies by giving an example of how “a person's perception of an issue influences their solution versus someone else's perception of the issue, having different solutions to those different issues.” This all goes to prove the importance of different perceptions and how each person can view each issue differently. This theme profoundly connects with the essence of the UN creation to show how those perceptions unite to solve matters on each topic. Multiple perceptions are crucial during creating a resolution because everyone needs to align and discuss them in order to find an end goal that is suitable for everyone. This theme was chosen as it aligned perfectly with the conference's goals and vision this year, making it the perfect match for HIAMUN’24.
The theme “Perceptions” is the start, paving the way for an exceptional MUN. It fits the goals planned for this conference; as El Dib said, “It helps us unite to understand the different perceptions, especially in a world which is extremely divided with varying policies with every country.” Those different points of view can be combined together to create something much bigger, which is the essence of the UN and MUN. Hussein significantly associated the creation of the MUN with the theme. “It shows how each small decision that goes into planning the conference involves different perceptions. Whether it’s the different opinions when deciding on topics or the different perspectives between delegates on the correct approach to tackling an issue. Even choosing the theme came with different perceptions and opinions," she said.
Keep your expectations high for this year's conference because these AC and OC are unstoppable and are constantly working to make this the best and strongest HIAMUN yet. As assured by Tarek, this year's conference isn’t hoped to just be the best HIAMUN yet, but the best conference in Egypt. This MUN includes newly added forums such as UNCAC and has the biggest number of forums in HIAMUN at 11 forums. There is an increasing expansion in the forums and the MUN as a whole. This means more opportunities for student participants to discuss and possibly solve more world problems. The executive team is sure that the high level of debate will come back stronger than the level of debate present before COVID-19. Through more training and tools for improvement, it is a major focal point that the debate quality and delegate participation will be the best HIAMUN has seen. Hussein said they “are very focused on ensuring that all delegates are well prepared for the conference so that effective solutions are thoroughly debated in all forums. The delegates should expect to have an enjoyable MUN from which they will learn and grow not only as delegates but also as people.”
Looking forward to the best HIAMUN conference to come.