Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Ali Metwalli, President

Sulayma Salem, Chair

To perceive is to open the door to a world of infinite possibilities, where every experience is a unique and personal interpretation of reality. Our perception of what surrounds us shapes how we see and interact with the world, influencing our beliefs, attitudes, and behavior. Just as there are many roads that lead to the same destination, each of us may have a different path to follow in life, but ultimately, we are all striving to reach the same end goal of prosperity.

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) was established in 1945 and is one of the main bodies of the United Nations. Its establishment came with the objective of addressing global social and economic issues. I, alongside my most esteemed chair Sulayma Salem have chosen three topics that have the potential to shape the trajectory of our society for years to come.

For our first topic, we are addressing “The question of integrating refugees into a country’s labor force. ” With major crises occurring throughout the world, an influx of refugees has recently emerged, with uncertainty being placed on their futures. As for our second topic, we will be “Addressing the issue of gender inequality on a socioeconomic scale. ” Throughout human history have been belittled in the workplace; as far as we have gone as a society in giving them their rights, we still have a long way to go. Finally, for our third topic, we will be “Addressing the emergence of a new worldwide currency.” 

Sulayma and I are honored to chair ECOSOC at HIAMUN’24 and are eager to witness the passion and expertise that you will display throughout the conference.

Ali Metwalli, President of the Economic and Social Council.


1. The question of integrating refugees into a country’s labor force.

2. Addressing the issue of gender inequality on a socioeconomic scale.

3. Addressing the emergence of a new worldwide currency.